Laurie Ragan Anderson was born and raised in Seattle, WA, growing up in the vibrant inspiring neighborhood of the University district. She has adamantly pursued art throughout her life, engaging in several mediums. Now retired, she has been creating, showing and selling her watercolor paintings for the past 5 years.
From abstract to realism, Ms Ragan utilizes watercolor techniques such as "wet on wet", “impasto” and "wash and line.” This piece is titled, “Paris Courtyard.” A classic bicycle rests in a peaceful courtyard, while its owner is out at brunch. There is a collaboration and harmony between the urban structures and nature’s decor and that is in repetition of form and color throughout the composition.The eye is drawn down from the tree toward the bike, and led up the stairs in a welcoming and curious manner to explore.
Ms Ragan sells her paintings at very reasonable prices, because she believes everyone should be able to purchase and enjoy art. Laurie Ragan Anderson’s piece and more can be viewed in person during the Urban Life Exhibition open now through October 26th at Gallery B612 in Seattle, Washington.
Buy Nothing U-District, UW Campus Housing, Seattle, WA
#GalleryB612 #SeattleFineArt #SeattleArt #SeattleArtists #SeattleArtGallery #KingCountyCreative #AbstractArt #SeattleEvents #SeattleLife #UrbanLife #ThingsToDoInSeattle #bicycleday #ParisCourtyard #parisianlife #parisianlifestyle #parisianhome
January 1st 2024 through February 29th 2024 new show in Seattle, Wa Pioneer Square a the "Foggy Tea Shop" framed originals and prints for sale!
Seattle, WA. Steve Gilbert Gallery. "City theme" paintings, with Ms Ragan.
Seattle, Wa, Pioneer Square Gallery B612. "Urban Living theme" 2023